Franchise Opportunities
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Franchise Opportunities

This is a huge opportunity in a massive market:

- Home owners are spending more on home renovations now than ever before.

- Refresh focuses on delivering a great customer experience.

- The Renovation market is nearly 4 times larger than the fast food market.

- Refresh has won the prestigious Deloitte Fast 50 award.

Refresh Renovations is providing an opportunity for you to grow a business in a huge, highly profitable market.

The Refresh business model is sales and marketing oriented. We’re looking for business-oriented franchisees. You don’t need to be a builder or trades person to join this successful franchise network. The design, trades and project management skills are covered by other specialists in the team that make up the building company that you will run.

Refresh launched in New Zealand in 2010 following years of in-depth international market analysis and strategic planning. Now we have franchises across New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.

Our advanced marketing and operational systems, combined with our unparalleled head office support and resource are the key factors behind our outstanding success. This is what you should look for in any franchise you’re considering.

Refresh is supported by leading building industry organisations, and is seen as a transformational business model. The renovation market internationally is renowned as being inefficient, and delivering a poor customer experience. Refresh's model is a game changer and is designed to deliver a great customer experience and business outcome.

If you’re looking to build an asset for your future, a surprisingly small up-front investment could secure that for you – but hurry! Anyone seeking an opportunity with Refresh should contact us immediately. Limited opportunities available.

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