Why do people renovate?
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Why do people renovate?

ARTICLE Libby Schultz

So, you want to be part of a growing industry that has exciting prospects for the future? Then you’re making a great choice by launching a business with Refresh Renovations.

As the world’s populations become more urbanised – and new land resources become increasingly scarce – there is simply less capacity to build new homes on greenfield sites. In the future, that’s one of the fundamental reasons why more homes will be renovated rather than built new.

There are many other drivers emerging. Renovating is increasingly being seen as an attractive lifestyle choice. The huge popularity of architectural lifestyle programmes, such as Grand Designs and The Block, are providing inspiration to whole populations of homeowners.

Changing needs

One of the biggest catalysts for renovations are changing needs within the family. Either the home has become too cramped to accommodate everyone comfortably – or the changing family dynamics call for a different use of space.

Perhaps there’s a new (or second) baby on the way, and the ideal couples’ pad is no longer big enough. Or the siblings who once happily shared a room have grown into teenagers, who now want their own space.

Lia Boersma, a Wellington-based Refresh franchise owner in New Zealand, says renovation offers a simple solution to these common situations.

“They can be easily solved by adding an extra bedroom, or extending the living areas to provide the family with more space, and privacy. Often an additional bathroom will make all the difference…particularly when parents and teenagers have grown tired of sharing the bathroom routine!”

The home needs a facelift

Having a home to feel proud of – and one you feel happy to live in – is important to most of us. Many renovators simply want to create a more beautiful, harmonious living environment.

Whether it’s replacing outdated décor, or changing the home’s layout to suit modern living, a renovation can completely transform the look and feel of the home.

“Renovating also gives you the opportunity to place your own stamp on your home,” says Lia.

“Even if your home isn’t particularly dated, the previous owners may have had very different tastes to yours. When you renovate according to your personal style, your home will feel like a more harmonious place to live.”

Love the location, but not the house

This in an increasing trend in the renovation market. Buying and selling a home can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive. So why go through all the upheaval, when you can simply renovate instead?

“Often families may have outgrown their house; but they don’t want to leave the neighbourhood,” says Lia.

“The kids are established in the local schools, and it’s otherwise a great place to live. Renovating the existing home can provide the perfect solution in these cases.”

Just some of the options include extending the footprint, ‘popping up’ a level, or re-configuring the existing space. Or perhaps a newly-built outdoor area will provide the extra living space needed.

Once homeowners start thinking about the possibilities, says Lia, it’s easy to ‘fall back in love’ with their existing home.

“Instead of searching for your next dream home – which may prove impossible to find in your location – we can help you create it instead.”

Adding value

It goes without saying that a quality renovation will add value to the home. As any real estate agent, will tell you, a fresh new kitchen or bathroom will instantly boost the sale price. But when you transform the home from three to five bedrooms – or add an extra storey – you’ll be looking at a whole new price bracket.

According to Lia, most homeowners view their renovation as a solid investment.

“Most clients are keen to improve their home’s resale value, even if they’re not thinking of selling in the foreseeable future. A renovation is not only improving their lifestyle; it’s also increasing the return they will get when they sell.”

To sum up, that’s another reason why homeowners choose to work with Refresh. When it comes to ROI, our expert project management and proven systems will ensure there are no budget over-runs or costly mistakes. The homeowner enjoys a better lifestyle today – as well as having a more valuable asset for the future.

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